Friday, April 3, 2015

Yet another app concept.

Here are some concepts for Windows 10 apps that I think address some of the common issues I perceive with Win10 thus far. Enjoy!

Click on pictures to enlarge.

I think that the current Spartan build looks great; however, there is almost too much whitespace. I feel that a lot of the current elements can be combined to one bar as seen above (similar to IE now). Also, I think it'd be a good idea to combine relevant tabs (Facebook tabs, for instance. Or pages "opened in a new tab").
 File Explorer:
I thought that the ribbons in Win8 were cool at first, but I began to realize that I never really used them. I'd much prefer the Win7/Vista way where relative options appear on the options bar as they become relevant (when I select a picture or folder for instance). I feel that these buttons would be easier for touch.
I love the current OneNote, but I think that a few improvements can be made. This adopts a similar interface to Spartan while also keeping touch with the desktop version of OneNote. I love the radial menu in OneNote and I'd like it to be implemented in more of the apps. Perhaps it could only be present on touch interfaces, while the menu bar would be available on desktop computers.
What do you think?