Friday, February 14, 2014

More Win9 [Concept]


A while back I posted some concept images that I had made for Windows9/8.2 here. I will continue some of my ideas with the following images: Enjoy!

  • In these images I moved the taskbar from the bottom to the left side just to see what it would look like.
  • Also putting the first app at the top would play nicely with the transitions between apps with the top left hot corner as it is currently in Windows 8.
  • I thought that it would be important to keep the Start button at the bottom left corner because that’s where it always is in metro now.
  • (I thought it would be kind of confusing to some users if sometimes it showed up at the to and other times it showed at the bottom.)
  • Here I showed  how apps can be switched between a cascaded mode and a “reel” mode.
  • I find that I use most apps in full screen mode, even on the desktop. I think that using apps on a reel would be perfectly functional.
  • Lastly I came up with what a more complicated multitasking concept would look like.
  • Basically you would drag and drop windows together to make a desired configuration of apps. Then you could use a two finger swipe to the top of the screen to maximize it.
Please let me know what you think!
1. Also, what do people have to say about windows not being able to cascade on the desktop? Would you miss that ability. Personally, I would not. I think I’d be okay with windows being on a line so they didn’t overlap.
2. With respect to #1 what do you think about the departure of this desktop from the current version of the desktop? Does it go too far or does it seem reasonable since the desktop needs some improving anyway?

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